My last painting at the HOPE Outdoor Gallery, in honor of Anthony Bourdain


Last summer, I was very saddened to hear about Anthony Bourdain’s death. I really looked up to him. I loved his sarcastic sense of humor, his lifestyle as an explorer and willingness to try new things. Through his books and shows on TV, I learned more about food and how different people around the world lived and enjoyed life. He seemed to live a dream life. Lots of money, travel and a new family. Unfortunately, he suffered from depression and took his own life.

In honor of someone who I would consider to be a hero, I painted a mural at the HOPE Outdoor Gallery. This took around 6-7 hours on a hot summer day. It was so much fun being able to paint on such a large scale. Not only do I miss Anthony Bourdain, but I also miss the graffiti park. I missed being able to paint large paintings and I miss the people at the graffiti park. The environment was like a zoo. There were artists, tourists, bridal showers, teenagers and many different types of visitors. People visiting from other parts of Texas, as well people visiting from other parts of the world. As someone who is a bit shy, this place helped me get out of my comfort zone. I feel very fortunate to have had the chance to paint here.